The Institute of Sathya Sai Education of South Europe (ISSE SE), and the Sathya Sai Organization of Israel (SSIO), are pleased to invite you to the eleventh Seminar of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) in Israel.
All are welcome, also newcomers.
Like all the previous Seminars, it will offer deep theoretical insights, and helpful practical tools, for a better understanding and implementation of the universal Human Values, in personal and family life.
It will take place in the beautiful artists’ village of Ein Hod, in the House of Culture (Beit Hatarbut).
George Bebedelis, Director of the ISSE SE, and both an experienced school teacher and trainer in SSEHV, will offer a presentation (in two parts) on the inspiring topic of
“Divine Love: the yearning for Truth, Goodness and Beauty”, based on the philosophies of Plato, Plotinus and Sathya Sai. This is a profound topic that always brings joy and upliftment, and is always very well received by the audience.
Shay Manheimer, and Lia Weitzman, both married and parents to young children, will present a workshop on the theme: ”How to implement Human Values in Personal and Family life: as parents to children, and to lead a more sustainable household”.
A guided meditation, and devotional songs, will be shared as well.
Please register with Brigitte Kashtan:, 050-7211749.
For further details on the SSEHV program:
About the presenters:
George Bebedelis has a degree in Mechanical Engineering, a degree in Pedagogics and a Master’s degree in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology from the University of Athens. He currently teaches mechanical engineering in secondary vocational schools in Athens.
George was born and lives in Athens. Since 1987, he has been an active member of the Sathya Sai Organization of Greece, serving in many functions, including National Country President of Greece. George is the Director of the Institute of Sathya Sai Education of South Europe (ISSE SE)- and also the Co-Chairperson of the Education Committee of the SSSIO (Sri Sathya Sai International Organization).
Shay Manheimer has a B.A. in Mass Communication and Management.
Lia Weitzman studied Industrial Design and is a gifted artist in different fields.
part I”: George Bebedelis
part II”: George Bebedelis.
Parking outside the main entrance gate, then five minutes’ walk to Beit Hatarbut, in the Centre of the village: down the stairs, on the right after the restaurant, opposite the gallery.
Participants are welcome to bring vegan/vegetarian food for a common lunch, and snacks for the tea/coffee breaks.
As Educaere includes caring for the environment, we warmly invite and encourage you to bring your our own tableware (bottles/cup, dishes and eating utensils). If not, biodegradable tools will be provided.
A Close-up on SSEHV
Good education is the foundation of happy and healthy societies.
In a world of rapid change, increasing pluralism and global insecurity, the need for shared values and common principles is greater than it has ever been before.
To reach a state of harmony, well-being and happiness at personal, family and societal levels, we need to infuse values in education from the earliest years of the child’s life.
Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) is being gradually and successfully adopted worldwide. It offers an educational theory that brings together concepts - and mainly practices – rooted in the values of Truth, Right Conduct, Love, Peace and Non-violence. Its focus is to foster harmony through education.
Furthermore, the program equips the children with the ideals, life skills and human virtues, that will allow them to live in harmony with themselves and others, aware of the fact that, “Ideals and values remain a perennial inspiration to the whole of mankind”.
In recent years, events experienced and changes taking place across the globe have challenged the current models of education by confronting them with issues such as:
Challenges such as these call for a new and more comprehensive understanding of the human personality and, as a consequence, a more complete and holistic pedagogy, which places an emphasis on a process of self-understanding and self-development.
Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV), is a simply structured educational program for teachers, parents and children that cultivates and promotes the universal Human Values common to all cultures and creeds.
For further details on the SSEHV program:
Introduction to the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values programme, known also as Sathya Sai EDUCÆRE.